How to prepare to collect security log data from your Azure Windows virtual machines. You require two things: Log Analystics Workspace to be created The agent to be installed on…
Azure – Update Management
How to maintain the patch status of your Windows and Linux machines "You can use Update Management in Azure Automation to manage operating system updates for your Windows and Linux…
Multiple displays on Windows 10
Connecting a monitor to your laptop. Find the correct cable and port. Next, dual-monitor, which screen is where? Any order would work but having the physical location match the logical…
Robocopy. Copy Move Files Older or Newer than X number of days
Script options Move only files under 60days old Move files older than 60days Move files back Move files older than 182 is number of days (6 months roughly) Move only…
WSUS and Windows 10 Clients – UsoClient.exe
So, you deploy a GPO to Window 10 clients, but your in a hurry to get the clients to check in... As a SysAdmin for many years I would log…
Check / Set / Sync Time Source for Windows Servers
To set the time ( Tested against Windows 2016) Launch CMD as administrator exampled c:\time 09:00:00 AM - This will set the time to 9am Note a time source…
Get-AdUser -Filter {Multiple Filters Complex } -Properties | Export to CSV
#Import AD modules import-module servermanager Add-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" -IncludeAllSubFeature #List AD user accounts and show DisplayName, Email, Title and export to CSV Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName, EmailAddress, Title |…
Get a list of inactive computers which have not logged on to the domain in the last 12 weeks
# Inactive computers ( this will include systems not regularly used) # Launch command prompt as administrator and run the following commands Dsquery computer -inactive 12 -limit 500 # Lists…