# Get ACL Permissions for a specific OU (Get-ACL "AD:$((Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity 'OU=Computers,DC=Test,DC=LOCAL').distinguishedname)").access | Select IdentityReference,AccessControlType,ActiveDirectoryRights.IsInherited #Other examples available from https://www.easy365manager.com/how-to-document-ou-delegation/ https://shellgeek.com/get-ad-ou-permissions-report/
Query Active Directory – Security Script
PowerShell script to query active directory : Identify Accounts with Password expiring is disabled Identify Accounts have not logged on for 30 or 90 days and accounts have never logged…
Import Reg Key To Remote Computer
Challenge : Import reg key settings to a remote compute Requires WinRM to be running Execute as Administrator **This script worked when tested on a Window 2021 server to a…
Azure – Create Kubernetes Cluster with ACR Integration
How to create a Kubernetes Cluster with ACR Integration and Service Principal Authentication. Create Kubernetes Cluster, Select the Kubernetes Services Blade> Cloud Shell You will be prompted for storage if…
EXO V2 Module – Microsoft 365 Exchange Online – PowerShell Module
EXO v2 Exchange Online PowerShell Module download here Some PowerShell commands to help you manage your Microsof 365 Exchange. More information on the Microsoft Site here How to load the…
WVD – Windows Virtual Desktop – Admin Tasks, Tips and Useful Blogs
Windows Virtual Desktop: The Best Step-by-Step Walkthrough Windows Virtual Desktop - Add/Remove Users by AD Group using Azure Automation WVD Troubleshooting Options Tips Tricks – Windows Virtual Desktop Windows…
New Release: PowerCLI 11.4.0
Great news for all the scripting people out there. New Release: PowerCLI 11.4.0 #PowerCLI #Scripting #WhatsNew New Release: PowerCLI 11.4.0 August is always a great month when it comes to…
Ping sweep script test
POWERSHELL import-CSV "" | foreach { $result = Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.Name -Count 1 -Quiet $_.name, $result -join ',' | out-file "c:\scripts\PingSweep\computer_results.txt" -Append } COMMAND /BATCH SCRIPT Create list of computers…
List User Profile Status On A Client Windows 10 Machine
Run on client machine to see the status of user profiles on a Windows10 machine Type the following PowerShell command : gwmi win32_userprofile | select localpath, roamingpath, status
New Release: PowerCLI 11.0.0
New Release: PowerCLI 11.0.0 New Release: PowerCLI 11.0.0 PowerCLI has been moving at quite the rapid pace over the last 2 years. In 2018, we’ve been releasing roughly every other…