# Out puts computer accounts including status Enabled True or False # Targets a specific OU # Lists computer names # OU Variable to set $OU_HotWiredUK_location = "OU=Computers,OU=HotWiredHQ,OU=UK,DC=test,DC=com" # Out…
List all users in the domain and email addresses
import-module activedirectory #List all users in the domain # Display Name and Email Address get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "dc=Test,dc=com" -Properties Displayname,emailaddress | select displayname ,emailaddress | Export-Csv C:\temp\users_and_email.csv
List Computer Object in an Active Directory OU using PowerShell
How to get a list of computer objects in an active directory OU ( tested against Windows 2016 Active Directory ) A quick PowerShell script using Get-ADComputer command, a wild…