Notes based on Amazon AWS – AWSome Day event in Manchester
These are unverified notes taken at the event. Detail may be incorrect, but hopefully provide a rough guide to AWS.
Covers AWS foundational services
- Gain a deeper understanding of AWS core and application services
- Learn how to deploy and automate infrastructure on the AWS
- CloudAmazon certification / accreditation ., platform accredited. Easier to accredit PCI DSS. Platform already done. You only need to accredit application
- AWS has different levels and costs of storage.
- Control the permissions of users and what they can spin up.
- S3 storage for the Internet. http or https, natively online, highly scalable, fast and reliable and fast Use case , OS, backups, databases
- EFS – multi attachment points – currently in preview mode
- AWS STORAGE GATEWAY backups. Local machine , virtual machine which interacts with the cloud
- Import and export supported USB devices or snowball a rack of storage.
- Move to the cloud -> EC2 auto scaling and ELB
- Cloud metrics will help size your EC2
- Trusted advisor basic is free (Cost optimisation advice)
- Auto scaling – schedule the scaling up and down.
- Scaling is free, you only pay for additional EC2s
- Cloud watch auto enabled when you spin up an EC2 for the hyper visor
- Tag each EC2 instance ( who built it, what’s does it do )
- Security Security groups, instance firewalls, VPC – Subnet control
- Cloud trail- enabled per region. This will monitor and track all Api calls. Everything in AWS is an API call.
- RDS – managed by AWS, backups & HA ( multi AZ required for no down time during patching)
- ElastiCache – put in front of an RDS for better performance
- Visual OPS third party app can create a formation template . Give it read access to map.. Give it write to create
- Cloud formation template and snapshot. Can restore and recover from an outage. Cloud formation gathers info on all VMs, networks & users and the template can recreate the full environment
- Amazon redshift – petabyte scale DB service
- Dynamo DB – no limits, Fast using SSD disks
- AWS Database
- Amazon route 53 is now a DNS registrar
- Most common issue is Security permissions as everything is blocked by default.
- user accounts – individual AWS credentials
- SSL endpoint – secure transmission
- Purchasing on demand, reserved or spot instances
- Oracle
- AWS marketplace
- EC2 VMs are tied to the location you created it under. You will not see the VM in another location.
- Start up- only pay when you start using
- Compute
- A way of posting data to AWS.
- Volumes can be resized, snapshot and create a new volume of another. You can also shrink if required and data / space allows.
- EBS elastic storage, snapshots, single attachment. Can be detached & attached to another location
- Glacier storage.. Storage of stuff you hope you never see again but you need to keep., like tax documents for seven years. Costs more to retrieve the data back. Encrypted.
- Lamba websites, takes uploaded images, watermarks and optimises and uploads
- AWS Simple money calculator
- Create unique buckets for each of your projects
- Learn identity & access management
- Amazon RDS. Managing the patching, high availability. Reduces engineer time spent wasted patching. It’s done automatically. Same as spinning up services in other Zones for resilience
- Register for aws for free and get Ec2 free tier for a year