Microsoft Azure PaaS – Web Apps, Storage and Site Recovery

Microsoft Azure PaaS – Web Apps, Storage and Site Recovery

PaaS / App Service

Check out the Azure App Service gallery of applications

Most Web Apps would use Autoscaling

When deploying web apps, consider integration and deployment options.. GitHub, DropBox, Visual Studio etc

Additional features include Azure WebJobs or Functions (functions for background tasks)

How you connect to the web apps could be a hybrid connection or VPN

Azure virtual network is available for the web apps ( standard upwards)

Authentication and Authorization ( Azure AD is optional, but there are easy connections to Facebook, Amazon, Google etc )


Mobile Services to Mobile apps

Logic APP

Work flow is built in to Office 365

If you get twiter post… Send mail. Etc flow


Traffic Manager

Traffic Manager has a cost (multi region coverage)

Load-Balancing single sites (free)



Planning and Implementing storage, backup and recovery methods

Blob storage, Table storage, Queue storage, or File Storage


Content Delivery Network

Videos / Office 365 back end Skype Business runs on it to handle to mass meetings, converting the presenters meeting to MP4 video and distribute via CDNs

CDNs cached copies in multi regions

1st connection costs

2nd onwards uses the cached copy



Use your own method, Use Azure backup, backup on prem, backup in the Azure

All done via DPM

Backing up VMs in Azure is fast. Incremental is the option and then its one option to do a full restore of a VM

DPM will dedupe the OS section of the VM in Azure, Hyper-V and vSphere VMs


Azure Site Recovery

Orchestration, replication and failover.

Switched off replica server in IaaS

Replicate , VMware VMs, Physical, Hyper-V VMs, Hyper-V hosts

Documentation on the setup of VMware VMs to Azure using Azure Site Recovery

Site Recovery concept to migrate to Azure


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