User cannot change an expired user account password in a remote desktop session that connects to a Windows Server 2008 R2-based RD Session Host server in a VDI environment Hotfix Download…
Remote Desktop Server – Customisation and Useful GPO settings
By Steve
in Microsoft, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Tag 2012 R2, A website wants to start a remote connection. The publisher of this remote connection cannot be identified, Connection Broker, Create RDS Farm, Customisation, Deploy Certificates, Digitally Signing RemoteApp, Disable IE security, Empty recycle bin at log off, Enable RDC Client Single Sign-On, GPO, GPOs, HotFix, Limit Profile Size, Makecert.exe, RD Connection Broker, RD Session Host, RDS, Remote Desktop, Remote Desktop Server, Self-Signed Server Certificate in IIS 7, Server, Session Host, Set Trust sites, Setup Guide, Setup SSO, Single Sign On for RemoteApps, trust the publisher of this RemoteApp, Web Access, Window