VMware vExpert Award 2020 received. Many thanks VMware for the recognition, 5th year in a row. #VMware #vExpert #vExpert2020 #vSphere #ESXi #Award
#vCommunity. And now, New VMware vExpert Stickers arrived in the post. 5 years of Receiving the Award = 5 STARS. But wait that’s not all, PowerVKE stickers, from Barcelona 2018 Hackerthon when our team picked up 3rd place!! Powershell & Kubernetes. What a great end to the week!! #vExpert, thanks Christopher Lewis To Sticker or Not to Sticker, the Dell XPS13.. #ToSticker or #NotToSticker, #theCLOUDexpert #vCommunity #VMware #kubernetes #PowerVKE #VMwareCode #PowerShell
The BLANK canvas XPS13
The XPS 15 sticker design