In an era dominated by technological advancements, the rise of cyber threats poses a substantial risk to businesses and individuals alike. One such threat is EvilGinx, a sophisticated man-in-the-middle software…
Navigating the SC-200 Exam: Your Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: Gearing up for the SC-200 exam? Microsoft's SC-200 exam, also known as the Security Operations Analyst certification, is designed to validate your skills in managing security alerts, responding to…
Get ACL Permissions for a specific OU
# Get ACL Permissions for a specific OU (Get-ACL "AD:$((Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity 'OU=Computers,DC=Test,DC=LOCAL').distinguishedname)").access | Select IdentityReference,AccessControlType,ActiveDirectoryRights.IsInherited #Other examples available from
Query Active Directory – Security Script
PowerShell script to query active directory : Identify Accounts with Password expiring is disabled Identify Accounts have not logged on for 30 or 90 days and accounts have never logged…