VMware Cloud on AWS Technical Overview VMware Cloud on AWS Technical Overview Yesterday we launched the VMware Cloud on AWS service. VMware Cloud on AWS allows you to run your…
Install Azure PowerShell Modules
Just some quick notes and links for setting up Azure to be managed by PowerShell https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/install-azurerm-ps?view=azurermps-4.0.0 Get-Module PowerShellGet -list | Select-Object Name,Version,Path https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/install-azurerm-ps?view=azurermps-4.0.0#how-to-get-powershellget # Install the Azure Resource Manager modules…
Bulk Virtual Machines Deployment and Zero Clicks Part 1
A recent project revisited deploying virtual machines via PowerCli. Its fair to say this isn’t a new tool but sometimes over looked. Part 1 / Part 2 My requirements were…
Bulk Virtual Machines Deployment and Zero Clicks Part 2
Based on the CSV file used to create the VMs, re-use the CSV to control Part 1 / Part 2 What else can I do now? Delete Computer Objects from…